patent and trademark office bozhinov bozhinov ltd

Patent and Trademark Office Bozhinov & Bozhinov Ltd

Client: Patent and Trademark Office Bozhinov & Bozhinov Ltd
Year of execution: 2022
Client Field: Legal
Тotal cooling capacity: 556kW
Types of products: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries KXZE2 VRF nd ventilation system
Indoor units: 124 concealed ceiling mounting units
Outdoor units: 11 units

patent and trademark office bozhinov bozhinov ltd

The Challenge

Getting an HVAC project done in the ideal city center of the capital is no easy job. For an engineering company with over 30 years of experience, such as Condex Jsc, there aren’t impossible things!

patent and trademark office bozhinov bozhinov ltd

The solution

  • The heating and cooling are solved with a highly efficient VRF KXZE2 system of the last generation with very high energy efficiency.
  • The ventilation system is implemented with high efficiency regenerative blocks that provide fresh air and a better microclimate for the offices’s employees.
  • The two underground levels are equipped with exhaust and counterflow ventilation.
patent and trademark office bozhinov bozhinov ltd

The Result

The outdoor units are placed on the unique green roof that provides a breath of fresh air in the densely packed urban area. The indoor inits are elegantly installed and they do not disturb the design of the building which is a unique combination of visible concrete, brickwork, clinker and metal elements.

patent and trademark office bozhinov bozhinov ltd

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