For retail outlets (PAC)

This series of MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES is aimed primarily at business users. The models are suitable for offices and administrations, restaurants, bars, exhibition halls, and more. They offer high functionality and a variety of designs, which is why they fit into different types of interiors.

Browse the catalog of air conditioning equipment MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, PAC series in: english.

Cassette models35

4-sided cassette type inverter split systems for suspended ceiling installation, with capacities from 4.0 to 14.0 kW.See the price list here.

Duct models51

Duct type inverter split-systems for installation in a suspended ceiling, with capacities from 4.0 to 25.0 kW. See the price list here.

Ceiling Suspended FDE32

The FDE ceiling suspended systems are available in single and three Phase options with a range of capacities from 4,0 to 14kW.See the price list here.

Floor Standing FDF31

Column type inverter split-systems for floor installation, with capacities from 7.1 to 14.0 kW.See the price list here.

V – Multisplit systems0

Ideal for use in large and L-shaped rooms, V-Multisplit systems have a higher degree of flexibility in the choice of inner units. Different types and power models can be combined.See the price list here.

Double / Triple / Quadruple Multisplit systems0

Up to 4 indoor units can be connected to one outdoor unit, and are controlled by one remote control.See the price list here.