11 950 лв.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Hydrobox 6 - A complete solution for heating, cooling and optional domestic hot water for apartments, houses and office spaces.

General Details

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Hydrobox 6

A complete solution for heating, cooling and optionally domestic hot water for apartments, houses and office spaces.


  • The HMS indoor unit includes the following built-in components: a controller, a circulation pump, an electric heater, a three-way domestic hot water valve and an integrated expansion vessel (10L).
  • Residential heating load up to 8 kW.
  • Heating, cooling and an integrated three-way valve for domestic hot water.
  • Cooling up to 7 degrees.
  • Components: HMS60-W FDCW60VNX-W R32
Indoor bodyHMS 60-W NEW
Outdoor body


Power source

400V 3N AC
(230V single-phase) 50Hz

Heating capacityCondition 1kW

2.70 (2.70 – 8.00)

Condition 2kW

5.08 (0.90 – 7.60)

COPCondition 1kW


Condition 2kW5,16
Cooling capacityCondition 1kW

5.31 (0.60 – 6.30)

Condition 2kW

7.54 (1.20 – 7.80)

ЕЕРCondition 1kW


Condition 2kW3,57

Seasonal Space Heating *1
Energy Efficiency Class (W55/W35)

Seasonal Space Heating % Energy Efficiency (W55/W35) *1%137/190
Seasonal Space Heating Energy *2 Efficiency Class of package (W55/W35)A++/A+++
Seasonal energy efficiency heating * 2 Energy efficiency of the set (W55 / W35)141/194
Operating range at outdoor temperatureheating-20° – 43°
cooling15° – 43°
Water temperature rangeheating25- 58 (65, with additional electric heater)
Maximum refrigerant pipe lengthm 30
Displacement between outdoor and indoor unitm7
Height x Width x Depthmm

850 x 515 x 350

Weight (without water in the system)kg50

Volume expansion vessel L


Dimensions, climate system pipe


Water pipe connections

Compression fitting

Immersion heater



9 kW (three phase) 6 kW (single phase)

Max Current


20 (29 for 230V single phase)


Price VAT included: BGN 11 950



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