A: MHI Ltd. is one of the founders and leaders of the modern market of refrigeration equipment for home, office and industry. The corporation produces everything related to a given branch of industry, from stand-alone air conditioners to air conditioning systems for entire cities, united in a single network. In order to provide comfortable conditions for the existence of modern man, MHI Ltd. annually develops and implements the latest technologies in the production of air conditioning equipment, which are always based on efficiency, economy and safety for the environment. By sea, land and air, even in space, MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES ‘field of activity is constantly growing. They produce more than 700 different products that support different manufacturing and public sectors, both in Japan and around the world.
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Q: What is the difference between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Electric?
A: Although the two companies were once part of a whole, today their paths are divided. This happened after the separation of Mitsubishi Electric in 1921, and in practice nowadays the two companies have nothing in common, except for the name and the presence of the three diamonds in their logos. However, the significant difference is in the fields of activity of the two companies. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, as the name suggests, focuses on heavy machinery and is the world’s leading manufacturer in various fields. Some of them are aircraft construction, space technology, military industry, shipbuilding, energetics, transport systems, refrigeration and air conditioning. The company produces over 700 different products to create better living and working conditions in various manufacturing and social sectors not only in the Country of Rising Sun, but also worldwide. For its part, Mitsubishi Electric manufactures systems for automation of engineering processes, elevator equipment, visual information systems, semiconductors and devices, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, and more.
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Q: Where are Mitsubishi Heavy Industries air conditioners manufactured?
A: It is a well-known fact that the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) is a leading global manufacturer in many different fields – aircraft construction, space technology, military industry, shipbuilding, energetics, transportation systems, refrigeration, air conditioning and more. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ manufacturing facilities are scattered around the world, but do you know where Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ air conditioners, that end up in your home or office, are manufactured? Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ air conditioning facilities and plants are located in Thailand, and the Research and Development Center is located in Japan. After the production and assembly of air conditioning systems, the products are shipped from Thailand around the world – Japan, Europe, Asia, Australia, America, South Africa and others.
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Q: Какво е „хиперинвертор“?
A: This is a trade name owned by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, with which the Japanese manufacturer highlights its best and most innovative range of air conditioning systems – models from the “Diamond” series – SRK-ZMX, SRK-ZSX, SRK-ZR, SRF-ZMX and a series of professional air conditioning equipment FD – “Hyper Inverter”. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ hyperinverter air conditioners are designed for consumers who want to heat and cool their homes and workplaces with the highest degree of energy savings at maximum comfort.
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Q: Is there a difference in the energy efficiency of air conditioners for the European market and those for the Japanese market?
A: For a long time in Bulgaria there has been an opinion that Japanese air conditioners produced for the EU have lower indicators than those produced for the Japanese market. In fact, this statement is untrue and misleading. Each product that is produced for a particular market must meet the standards and regulations of the market for which it is intended. Air conditioners manufactured for the Japanese market must meet the following Japanese standards: JIS C 9612: 2013 and JIS 9612: 2005, and those for the EU – EN 14825: 2016. These are the standards by which the coefficients for seasonal (EU) or annual (JIS) energy efficiency of air conditioners are calculated. By comparing the main characteristics that can be found here, it becomes clear that the climatic conditions under which energy efficiency, seasonal and annual coefficients are measured, are not the same. In Japan, the winter outdoor temperature is -1 ° C, while in the EU it is -10 ° C. The operating hours of air conditioners in Japan are almost twice less than in the EU. That is why the annual energy consumption of the European air conditioner is higher than that of the Japanese.
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Q: What are the main indicators that give information about the efficiency of the air conditioner?
A: COP and EER air conditioners power of the air conditioner to the electricity consumed by it. Normally there are values above 3, and with good air conditioners they reach 6-7. This means that under certain conditions, such as an outdoor temperature of +7 ° C for heating, with the correct sizing of the air conditioning system, if COP = 4, the air conditioner will consume 1kW of electricity and will give 4kW of heat. As the outside temperature drops, the power that the system can give off will also decrease, ie. COP at -15 ° C, for example, will not be 4, but for example 2.5 and respectively at a temperature higher than + 7 ° C, will be higher than 4. SCOP and SEER indicators of air conditioners In the EU there is a regulation , which obliges manufacturers to indicate the so-called seasonal conversion factors SCOP (Seasonal Coefficient Of Performance) and SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). They take into account the fact that Europe is divided into three climate zones – warm, temperate and cold, and consumers need to be informed about the indicators for their specific zones. Bulgaria falls in the temperate zone. The indicators are not measured at one point (as in COP and EER), but in the whole range from + 16 ° C to -10 ° C for the temperate zone (for heating mode). Annual electricity consumption when using the appliance It is this indicator that gives an idea of the efficiency of the appliance in real conditions, as the user can quickly calculate how much heating and cooling will cost him for one season. Energy class of air conditioners The maximum possible class could be A. After 2013, the labels show SCOP / SEER and, depending on their value, the energy class can reach A +++. Read more here.
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Q: What are air-to-water heat pumps?
A: These are refrigeration machines that transfer heat from one place to another through the refrigerant. In other words, the basic principle of heat pumps is to extract heat from the outside air and then transfer it to the premises of your home. In its greater variety, heat pumps are bidirectional, meaning they can both heat and cool the rooms in which they are located. To function, they use renewable natural resources – air, water and soil – without polluting them. Heat pumps are an extremely suitable and environmentally friendly solution for heating and cooling, and in heating mode, they can be up to 8 times more efficient than other electrical appliances used for heating during the cold months.
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Q: What are the types of heat pumps
A: There are several types of heat pumps that differ in the source from which they draw the energy needed to operate them. There are four main types: “air – air”, “air – water”, “water – water” and “soil – water”. The most common and used type of heat pump in households is “air-to-air”. These are the well-known domestic inverter heat pump split systems or in short – household air conditioners. The second most common are air-to-water heat pumps. They use the energy of the outside air to heat the water passing through the heat exchanger of the heat pump with which you can supply your radiators, convectors or underfloor heating. Another advantage is the fact that they easily provide hot water for domestic use. In addition to their high efficiency and economy, this type of heat pump systems are characterized by the fact that they are compact and do not take up space in the home or office, and their installation is a relatively quick and easy process. The main components in the heat pump are a compressor with inverter control, an electronic thermostatic valve and two heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). The principle of operation of the heat pump is based on a very simple and well-known Carnot cycle. Most household refrigerators work in a similar way.
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Q: What are the advantages of heat pumps?
A: Efficiency – Proof is the fact that when consuming 1 kWh of electricity, the device generates between 3 and 8 kWh of heating energy. A quality efficiency meter can be found in the COP factor (Coefficient Of Performance), so if you are considering installing a heat pump, pay due attention. Practice shows that with quality heat pumps the COP usually varies between 4 and 6.
Economy –Due to the fact that heat pump installations obtain free energy from the environment,
electricity bills at the end of the month are significantly reduced. Various reports indicate that thanks to heat pumps we can reduce our heating bills by up to 70%.
With care for nature – Heat pumps are created with people in mind. Their units do not need fuel and do not emit harmful and dangerous oxides, the refrigerants used in them are environmentally friendly for both humans and nature. By using a heat pump, you halve the CO2 emissions from your home. In short, it uses the energy of the outside air to heat your home and provides domestic hot water in harmony with nature.
Safety – Their contents and devices are free of any hazardous materials and compounds. If until now there have been concerns that heat pumps can be flammable or explosive – we can definitely say that this is completely wrong. They are completely safe.
Versatility – The use and convenience of installing an air-to-water heat pump are not limited to a specific period of the year, but on the contrary – their benefits are year-round.
They provide us with hot water in the household and help to achieve excellent temperature comfort – by cooling in summer and heating in winter. They can be adapted to an existing heating system, as well as used with other different types of heating – for example with radiators, fans, underfloor heating. Wide operating temperature range – Problem-free operation of the system is possible in a wide air temperature range from -20 ° C to 48 ° C. Long-term operation – Heat pumps are designed for long-term operation, so you can relax and enjoy cost-effective, trouble-free heating for many years.
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Q: Air conditioner or air-to-water heat pump – what to choose?
A: A number of factors influence the right decision regarding the installation of an air-to-water heat pump or the purchase of an air conditioner. Typically, heat pumps are used for larger spaces, such as around and above 100 sq.m., while for spaces below 80 sq.m. the use of air conditioning is recommended. There are other factors – such as the type and exposure of the home, the presence of other heating appliances and other individual characteristics.
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