
November 26, 2021

Air conditioning maintenance – everything you need to know

air conditioning maintenance everything you need to know

In order for the air conditioning system to be as efficient as possible, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of the air conditioner. This is a process that will help the long-term operation of the air conditioner and will contribute to its optimal operation throughout the year. In addition, regular inspection and maintenance leads to lower electricity bills, minimizes the possibility of unpleasant and unexpected damage and the need for repairs, and also creates a healthier living environment in the air-conditioned room.

It should be noted that prevention is a set of a number of processes needed to achieve the end result. Going into details, we can distinguish the following activities:

  • Cleaning and treatment of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit with detergent.
  • Cleaning the filters and plastic of the indoor unit.
  • Condensing bath cleaning.
  • Cleaning the outdoor unit heat exchanger.
  • Check the operating characteristics of the air conditioner – temperatures, pressures.
  • Overview of the general condition.

How often is it advisable to perform such air conditioning maintenance?


It is difficult to give a definite answer, as the need for prevention depends on many factors. For example, what is the frequency of use – the main or additional source of heating / cooling, its location, as well as the presence of dust in the air-conditioned room. And even if it seems strange, house dust is the main enemy of air conditioning. Small particles are able to clog the filters, which in turn will contribute to changes in air flow, and the entry of dust particles into the heat exchanger will lead to inefficiency and energy losses.

In practice, it happens that a number of households try to carry out such prevention on their own. Be careful and turn to professionals in the field of air conditioning, as poorly performed prevention can lead to much greater damage than the lack of such.

Our advice is to consult service technicians twice a year – before the start of the active heating and cooling season. In this way you will guarantee the trouble-free operation of the device and provide excellent temperature comfort in the home or office.

What does the lack of air conditioning prevention lead to?

As already mentioned, the lack of regular inspection of the condition of the air conditioner can have a serious impact on the normal condition and efficiency of the appliance. In addition to a reduced life cycle and reduced depreciation period, it is possible for the room to have an unpleasant odor from the indoor unit. The list of unpleasant consequences of the lack of regular maintenance is supplemented by: consumption of more electricity, noisier operation of the air conditioner, more frequent need for serious service repairs and more.

What to do before calling service technicians?

If you are going to have air conditioning maintenance, keep in mind that it is good to provide the most comprehensive information about the condition of the air conditioner to your service technicians. This will be extremely useful for professionals to be aware of the state of air conditioning and will help them perform the procedure effectively. Therefore, before calling technicians, check the following:

  • Are the indoor air filters clean?
  • Is the remote control mode set correctly?
  • Is there a power supply?
  • Is there a self-diagnosis signal (LED flashing on the indoor unit)?
  • How long does air conditioning maintenance take?
  • When performed by professionals, the procedure takes no more than 90 minutes. The duration, of course, varies with the condition of the air conditioner.

CONDEX Service Center

Our service base provides full warranty and post-warranty service of our air conditioning equipment, both on a subscription basis and on a one-time preventive maintenance.

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